Do you have any red flags for heart attack or stroke?
count the number of red flags you have:
Frank’s diagonal ear lobe crease (78% of people with it have coronary artery disease)
Within the first year after a COVID infection, the risk of heart attack increases by 63%, cardiac arrest by almost 250%, and myocarditis 500%, or 5x. (see ref. 1,2 below)
Erectile dysfunction (increases heart attack risk 62%, stroke risk 39%)
Male pattern baldness (sides of the front: increases heart attack risk by 40%)
Resting pulse over 76 (Women have 26% increased risk of heart attack. Men have 3.5x risk of sudden cardiac death.)
Smoking (or any use of nicotine)
High cholesterol or low HDL
High Blood Pressure (even if it’s mild)
Gum disease, periodontal disease, broken tooth, or tooth abscess
Genetics or Family History of heart attack, heart procedure, or stroke
Abdominal Obesity
Sleep problems
Physical Inactivity
Migraine headaches (2x risk stroke, 50% increased risk MI)
(Women w/ mid-life migraine & aura have 90% increased risk of late life stroke.)Asthma (60% increased risk of CV events compared with non-asthmatics)
Anxiety, depression, or stress
Previous Heart Attack (17x risk of sudden cardiac death)
Previous Stroke (within 5 years after surviving a stroke, 35% of patients will die or have a life-altering CV event.)
Previous “mini-stroke” or TIA
Gallstones (increases risk for MI 22%)
Kidney stones (increases risk for MI 29%, stroke risk by 40%)
Elevated Cardio-CRP, or other markers for inflammation
Calcium in coronary arteries (abnormal EBCT or CT calcium score)
Calcium in any artery seen on X-rays, CT scan, MRI scan, mammogram, or in the carotid artery on dental X-rays.
Rheumatoid arthritis (risk for MI same as diabetic)
Sjogren’s syndrome (dry eyes, dry mouth 2x risk MI)
Lupus (increased risk MI 2x in women)
Psoriasis (50% increased risk death. If severe at a young age, 2.5x risk of CV death)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (3x risk heart disease)
Past History of miscarriages
Gestational diabetes (66% increased risk of CV Disease over 12 yrs)
Pre-term birth (66% inc risk heart disease)
High blood pressure of pregnancy (pre-eclampsia doubles risk of MI & stroke within 10-12 yrs)
Is there a heart attack or a stroke in your future?
If so, what if it could be prevented?
Would it be worth a trip to Atlanta, GA every 3-6 months?
We can help you change the course of your journey. We’ve done this many times. We can guide you through a process proven to reverse artery disease.
Have you been tested to determine the level of risk you carry?
knowing your risk factors is not enough
Risk calculators are based on the idea that we can use your risk factors to calculate your 10 year risk. Knowing your risk factors is important. But risk factors can never answer the question, "Do I have artery disease?" Artery tests can!
Vosko, I.; Zirlik, A.; Bugger, H. Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiovascular Disease. Viruses 2023, 15, 508.
Xie, Y., et al. Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19. Nat. Med. 2022, 28, 583–590